
5-5-03  We played a good show Saturday night, and T. Condo and Jr. Revolution did awesome too.  The crowd could've been a little bigger, but they were into the music and really made the show worth while.  We're going to try to really get going on our CD and studio projects this month, but we're not sure when either will be completed.  Keep checking back for more updates.

5-1-03  Our show last weekend at Akron U went really well, and we're getting ready to play at Green High School this Saturday.  The    tentative time is 8pm and the concert is to support the blood drive taking place that same day.  Other bands include T. Condo and Jr. Revolution.  Hope you all come. 

We are still working on our acoustic album, and we're hoping to get started on another little demo for our electric set soon because the old CD's don't really reflect our style any more.  We only have one show scheduled for May so far, so hopefully we'll get a lot of work done in the upcoming weeks.