Matt's Journal:----------------------------------------------------------------------------

1-31st: Hello, this being the first entry in this journal it needs to be stated that I will try my best to be interesting but, well, no promises. Also, forgive my spelling. Im in my web design class at Green High School. (A place that I love dearly) Hopefully, when i wake up from my nap i won't remember that I was here. I just finished writing a song called "Chimera" in Government. We plan on doing the song for the first time tonight, so maybe i'll actually remember the words.

Tonight we have 2 shows; which is also a first. I'll be surprised if we're able to function tomorrow morning. After this weekend, its going to be many mad days of practicing. Allen and I are very busy trying to compose our next acoustic album with Megan. The more and more we work on it the more complicated it seems to be. Thats good news i guess, we're going to end up with a fully produced album. If it goes well enough i will probally get it mastered. (By the way, the guy who mastered our first Cd is a really cool guy. His name is Gary.) One thing i will NOT do is go back to DOVE tapes to get our Cd duplicated. They are BAD people who like to take money from stupid teenages. Long story short, we're still paying off that bill. When we actually start the recording process for our acoustic album. I'll be keeping an active account of whats going on in this journal. So if you're interested in that kind of stuff you can tell me what im doing wrong. -Matt

2-25-03 Well now, its bee a little less than a month since ive added anything on the web site. It sure doen't help matters that my computer's modem is all messed up and i can't, for the life of me, figure out how to fix it. Anyways, to keep you up to date on things, the Winter Retreat that my Youth Group went to was awesome. God was really moving there and I know that many kids benefited from it, including myself. Andrew, our worship leader was a great guy and I was lucky to have had the chance to play with him. Speaking of Andrew, i hope to link to his site as soon as i get around to actually doing it. His solo acoustic music is really good. As far as MSR's acoustic album is concerned, we're moving right along, we have "Second Guess" and "Of Broken Dreams" recorded, well the music anyway. We're going to do the vocal tracks first. I plan on trying to get "Sky of Mind" and "Dream Well" done this week and the a couple more finished this weekend. Its a good thing that we decided to do the vocals last cause everyone is sick; Megan even lost her voice. Anyways, look for our acoustic album to be out in a couple weeks, it'll be on sale for $5. -Matt

3-13 Last weekend was the longest weekend of my life. We had major technical problems wehen we played the Adessi Center. To put it simply all: our stuff broke. Our acoustic set at MTC went a lot better. We played 3 songs and we were well recieved for the most part. Despite all of the things breaking (which by the way i feel as if i have aged 10 years from the adventure) i did have a good time. Thankfully our next show, at the Springfeild High School, will have a really nice set up and i don't have to worry about it.